Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hannah's running fever ...

howbeit a low one, not good on Christmas morning the day before you're supposed to take a nine hour car trip and are prone to car sickness in the first place. We put the baby gate up between the bedroom doors at the end of the hallway and the bathroom door (any further and they could see in the LR).

I fell asleep wonderfully tonight, and had just rolled over, saw a show I've been wanting to record on Food TV, set that, and cut the TV off when I heard Hannah come out of their room, said she needed to go to the bathroom (sleeping w/o pullup first night, what a big girl!!). So I went to help her (normally don't but she was wwearing new footie jammies and we know how they can be trying to get down), and that's when I felt her.

I went to get her a dose of med while she was sitting and heard her start to vomit. She had got up and turned around to do it in the toilet, again- my baby is so grown!! So while she graciously accepted my love and nurturing, she requested to sleep beside daddy and let daddy care for her. Please pray this passes soon and for us to have the wisdom to make certain travel and social calls today!!


Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

So what did you end up doing? I hope she's feeling better and that you had a wonderful Christmas.

12:24 AM  

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