Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My accountability

This is my make-shift "ta da" thread, LOL As I finish chores I will post them here. This will be my motivation to get some things done around here. Actually, I will edit this particular post :p

So far today, I have:

Washed three loads of clothes, and two of them are on my bed waiting to be folded.

Picked up trash around the kitchen, and took out one bag of trash.

Made three sigs for one of my friends, this being the neatest one-

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I thought it was cool ;o)
I had to reduce the original size by 75% because the file size was sooo big. This is still pretty big but much better than what it was before. This took me around an hour from beginning to finish to complete. Of course that's from, coming up with the idea, thinking about how I would make it, and actually doing it :p

Lets go fold some clothes now .... and take a nap, lol

Okay, it's 5:20: I have swept the front porch, moved some things around in there;

hung up some jeans and blankets I washed on the balcony;

washed / dried another load of clothes.

We're headed to my parents now for dinner so I'll fold tonight when we get home ;o)

9:25: Jackson and I cleaned the livingroom tonight. Got all the "stuff" out of the way, I vaccumed, couch cleared off- it looks nice. Jay had to work late tonight so I thought it would be a nice thing for him to come home to instead of the normal CHAOS that ensues in the LR.

I'm about to take my shower, and fold/hang/put away a BUNCH of clothes. The washer and dryer are 'down' for the evening *g*


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